Wednesday, 15 October 2014

I'm Spartacus and so is Dave...

In his loincloth and sandals, Dave Gorman looks just like Kurt Douglas.

Dave was in particularly good form last night but it might just have been my own bias against doggers that meant I really enjoyed the show. However, his shirt was typically bad and that's perhaps why Dave was weighing so heavily on my mind when I went to bed.

The whole point of this blog is to show that Dave Gorman would look better if he didn't stick with tartan. I think I've demonstrated over the last few months (it will be a year in December) that Dave's head would look better if it was attached to a different body. Last night only emphasised the fact because I had the most gloriously vivid dream. I'm sure it was in Cinemascope. In my dream, Dave was a gladiator wearing a large pair of greying gentleman's briefs. Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning, I couldn't find a pair of briefs being worn by a greying gentleman but I could find this picture of Kirk Douglas instead. And I think you can see what an obvious improvement it is when attached to the finest head on the British comedy circuit. If only Dave wore this ensemble to do his Powerpoint presentations, I don't think he'd be stuck on a satellite channel. Dave belongs on BBC2 and every year he's absent, the whole nation suffers.

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